Saturday, December 15, 2012

artistic flavor

the artistic renderings of my good friend clymenza hawkins, you can see some of her work  as part of the African Voices: 20 years of covers  exhibit at the Schomburg Library in Harlem right now.

artistic flavor

''The black artist is dangerous. Black art controls the "Negro's" reality, negates negative influences, and creates positive images.''
Sonia Sanchez (b. 1934), African American poet. Black Women Writers at Work, ch. 10, by Claudia Tate (1985).

Sunday, December 2, 2012

life lessons

Artistic Flavor

Can't wait to see my favorite artist's new exhibit at the Met this week, "Matisse: In Search of True Painting.  This is Laurette, one of Matisses's inspirational  muses. Opens on December 3rd.